Great work and commitment Dave ! I've been re-playing some of these to UG students (especially Environment majors and minors), universities and local communities (here in New Orleans) and your interviews and work have helped us move forward on many things. Aside from subscriptions, can people contribute direct funds (no strings attached)?

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Thanks Craig, I appreciate it! If people would like to contribute to Volts directly, they can do so here:


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David, thank for all of the excellent work you do with Volts. Can't wait for more Inflation Reduction Act content; it is well worth the price of a pair of pants.

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Thanks Beth!

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Hi David,

You inspire me to do clean energy stuff—but you also inspire me not to be afraid about taking risks. Your journalism matters so much and that’s why I decided to become a paid subscriber. I might be a millennial but I

too aspire never to sell out. As someone who has also had a shit hard year I really appreciated hearing about your health challenges mostly for how balanced you were in dealing with them. We can keep moving in the right direction even if it’s a few words at a time or getting creative with our resources. Thanks for being awesome and leading the way. Wishing you a kick ass 2023!

-Bailey in NJ

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Thank you Bailey, that's very kind!

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Hi David,

Flagging one spot for you that needs an extra word:

The first paragraph under the Year in Pods header:

The biggest change of the year for me personally was, as I explained in a note to subscribers early in the year, pain my elbows, wrists, and hands that made typing for more than a minute or two impossible, or at least distractingly painful.

The word 'in' should be inserted between pain and my elbows.

Hope this helps and keep up the good work!

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Thanks Ron, fixed it!

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That's a great year, Dave. Congrats. Best $60 I could spend on media - on anything really (other than maybe dinner with my lovely pardner). Best wishes for the new year, and especially for continually improving health and a return to writing (please do keep working on the rehab! You're a tremendous writer & researcher. It would be a shame for that to fall by the wayside, even though the pods are great).

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Thank you Brendan!

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David, I'm a huge fan, but I haven't been reading or listening much so I caught up today. Your feelings about cars mirror my own, and I want to buy an EV so bad. Your article about testing the Ford EV was excellent for me. Now I have to convince my Old School car guy husband that it's worth investigating. My son Tim bought a KIA EV a year ago and loves it. Keep up the great writing!

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Love you Phyllis.

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I was introduced to you and Volts after your interview with Chris Hayes on WITHpod - you do excellent work and I have thoroughly enjoyed your podcasts! I have three dogs that I walk twice a day, so I really enjoy your deep dives into climate and energy issues, and I have learned so much from you and your guests. I am so sorry for the health issues but glad to hear that things are moving in the right direction - hope something can be done about your hands/wrists so you can get back to writing since you love it - but your podcasts are wonderful - don't give them up!

Thank you!

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Thank you so much, Laurel, I'm also a big fan of listening to podcasts while walking dogs, so I appreciate this!

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David -

I was introduced to your podcast via The Ezra Klein show. I'm now a rabid fan. And a subscriber. Thanks for all you do.

I'm curious as to whether you could do a show on the geopolitical effects of reducing/eliminating the global O&G industry. What happens in the middle east, eastern europe, etc. Associated is the open air clandestine effort by Saudi Arabia to push local green energy in an effort to maximize profits by exports even more of its petroleum.

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Russell, welcome, and thanks for listening! This pod gets pretty deep into exactly that subject:


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Awesome, thank you so much! It's all queued up.

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Great Listen. However, so much (good and bad) has changed in the 12 months that have transpired since that show was recorded! I'd love to here an update.

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Hi any not-yet-subscribers, I just want to say to you, please just subscribe. I've been in the climate world for about 15 years now and one constant in that time has been reading Dave's excellent work. Not only has it been a source of energy and inspiration for me personally, but I've i've learnt so much over the years, not just in terms of details, but also where to place them in the wider scheme of things. As far as I am concerned, he is the best climate journalist working right now, so basically give him whatever you can afford so he can continue doing what he does best, plus suck up all those tasty climate knowledge nodules with a good conscious.

Also Dave, I've been meaning to say for ages. I am a graphic/information designer (the designer who does all of the Climate Action Tracker stuff for example) and I would be happy to volunteer my services if you have any graphic wants or needs. matt.beer@designersforclimate.net , just holler!

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Matt, thank you for these incredibly kind words! And I may just hit you up -- Volts is overdue for a visual refresh.

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Please do, even if it is just for ideas of what is worth attempting. Very happy to help with that and making anything concrete. I have a team, including a couple of illustrators, so a bit should be possible.

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David, thanks for what you do and for your commitment to excellence. In addition to wishing you a happy and HEALTHY new year, I just wanted to encourage you to not sweat the podcast vs writing format. I best express my ideas in writing, so I can empathize, but as a consumer of your work I actually find the podcast much more accessible and convenient. Written posts tend to stack up in a special folder in my inbox only to be read months later when I have time, but podcasts can be played while walking my own dog, or in the dreaded car, while doing the dishes, etc. So please, give yourself a little slack! And no need for a written response here if it causes pain! Thanks again!

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I've been on board for 2 years now and continue to believe the cost is money well spent. The range of topics covered is excellent as I'm always learning of ways to address climate change that I had not thought about.

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Thank you for the great work you do on climate and energy, I think you're also one of the few thinkers on the left who really get the problem of the 2020s media ecosystem, I would love to hear more discussions about how to tackle this huge challenge (it seems to me that the nature of progressive folk to trust in the facts and distrust anything that smells like 'propaganda' makes it enormously difficult to match the RW misinformation message machine, but there are smart people out there who might know the solution!) Happy New Year to all the Volts family from down here in Australia

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Hey there, I just sent you a little extra along with my (brand new) subscription, in case you want some extra funds to purchase some dictation software. My husband got tendonitis almost 30 years ago and really hasn't been able to type much ever since. Dictation software saved his job (he uses Dragon). I love listening to your podcast, but I can understand missing writing. Just a thought, sent with great respect for your work.

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David, I have been learning from you ever since I heard your Evergreen State TEDx talk on YouTube in 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7ktYbVwr90 . I profoundly appreciate your deep dives into all aspects of human efforts to confront climate change - halting fossil fuel production ASAP, rapidly building out renewables, and electrifying everything! You keep us all informed and engaged, experts and average citizens (me) alike. Glad you found a way to add a tip jar as well as a subscription fee. Greeting to Ms. Volt, the 19-yr-old who keeps you on your toes, and your happy fleet of pets who for sure have found a good home.

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Thank you for all you do!

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First David, let me wish you good health for 2023. Then let me thank you for all the fantastic podcasts you've done. Whenever you come out with a new one, it goes to the top of my play next list. I know you already have your own list of things you want to look into, but if I can suggest an addition to that list, I'd really like to hear your take on thermal energy networks.

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Thermal is near the top of my list, Ed!

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