We're with ya in spirit, fella. This too shall come to pass. And I've heard binge watching and coughing is the new Italy.

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Now that's funny πŸ˜„

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Dave, you're a bright spot in a dark world for a lot of us out here. It probably goes without saying that we're all pulling for a swift and complete recovery. Hopefully you can take your family to Italy next year and still have that amazing vacation!

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Take good care of yourself and your family David! Very happy to continue to support you for all you have done and continue to do. I'll keep you and yours in my thoughts. Do what you can when you can and don't let us out here become a pain . . . we're with you man! πŸ‘½πŸ‘πŸΏ

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Heartbreaking news/announcement but glad you have a community of support. Thank you for sharing your personal news and please continue to provide updates. Hope to hear good news soon.

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Hang in there, David! I am utterly awed by your ability to face down these multiple hardships with grace, humor and optimism. Oh that those virtues were as contagious as covid.

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I like your writing and your podcasts. I have some favorites of course but I wouldn’t leave you now. I had cancer, the surgery was the easiest part for me. Ill be sending you good, healing thoughts at least for the next few months.

We need you David. Hang in there. Take your time and get well, your family too.

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Out here in Podland, we really appreciate what you do, and it makes a difference. I listened to your interview with Saul Griffith, bought his book, then put in a heat pump and electric water heater. Please get better and come back when you can.

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Get well soon David. As a long (very) COVID hauler, and like you I’m just glad to be here. We will be sending you healing energy and prayers. I am really glad I discovered your writings and podcasts.

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Thank you for letting us know of your life travails. I have a close friend who has lived with one kidney since he was 20, and like me, he's nearly 80. I'll continue to support you even if I get only one Volts article a year -- they're that good. Surgery recovery is a good reason to rest your wrists and fingers! Wishing you well!

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Dude, I'm super bummed for you. I share many words of hope from experience. I have m.s. I've had it for 30 years and at this stage I can only walk with my walker - I can't drive a car anymore (and I live in those blasted suburbs) and I'm fatigued for most of the day.

But I still make dinner each evening, pet our cats and have many friends that I see all the time. My husband is also a super hero who makes all things possible. I have two great boys - men now - that I get to see frequently because they live in the area.

I am still the volunteer costume designer at my local high school due to help each school year from the current group of parents who are my arms and legs. It fills my days with creativity and purpose. Plus, I get to know amazing young people.

I am not a super hero. The fatigue and restrictions make me angry and sad and I cry. But with the support of family and friends, I have fashioned a truly fulfilling life.

You will too.

P.S. And frankly, I probably have it worse than you;)

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David, I'm a recent convert to following your podcasts, but now listen to them religiously as a mind-expanding and informative guide to so many dimensions of taking on climate change. And, from listening to you so much I feel that I have gotten to know you a little. I was saddened to hear about all your recent trials but appreciated your sharing what is happening. sending you and your family all the best and will continue as part of the tribe. Luckily for me there's lots of archival material to explore. Health to you. Dave

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sorry to hear bad news, but glad it's not worse. This fan will stay connected and hopeful. Well wishes to you and your family!

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So sorry to hear of your health issues and canceled family trip! Please focus only on your own health and your time with your family now. Your readers/listeners will be here when you are back to good.

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So sorry to hear this. Please take care of yourself and speedy healing to you with your surgery and your family's recovery!

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David, Thanks for sharing news about your challenges. I hope the COVID passes quickly and the surgery is successful. I will continue my paid subscription regardless of how often you post as your material is great and I learn a ton from it.

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I figured the substack subscription was a way to support the podcast & vice versa. Glad I can help support your content regardless of platform (except for Twitter --that's kind of a bummer feed, imo).

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